Restoration-renovation of a building gives a fresh impulse to it as well as to its residents.
Renovation - rehabilitation of a house or business work area inspires the occupants for further development.
Renovation is the cheapest method to obtain a "new" home, upgrading its value.
The experience in design and construction allows us to guarantee fast delivery, no deviations from the schedule and budget. If required a "small scale" permit is issued avoiding lengthy procedures.
"Our goal is low prices and customer satisfaction."

External Interventions

The main external operations on a building are analyzed briefly depending on their importance. External interventions include the formulation of grounds around the premise through which is the access to the ownership and consequently forms integral part of it.
  • Our company undertakes the renewal or restoration of existing waterproofing on terraces with new technology materials that are durable in time. Depending on the case, we propose solutions based on technical and financial criteria.
    Beyond terraces, vulnerable areas are the northern facades because of their limited exposure to the sun and are handled accordingly.
  • We propose solutions according to customer's requirements resulting in energy savings up to 82%. The solution is simple, easy to implement and depreciates within five years or less in some cases.
    The most efficient thermal shield is the creation of a shell around the structure protecting it during the winter and the rest of the year from the high temperatures.
  • Our office undertakes the architectural and possible structural study of the damage and in collaboration with the owner we decide the extent of repair. Today there is a wide variety of plaster coatings in the market of natural or synthetic materials. Synthetic material has the property of being waterproof and water-repellent. These plaster coatings come colored, avoiding painting. Their use makes the repair quick without causing major disturbance and damage to property or neighboring buildings.
    The application of these coatings across the facades of the building in conjunction with the application of architectural projections around the outer window and door frames by horizontal and vertical lines, renovates completely the building, giving it a new look, increasing its value. If scaffolding is unavoidable, a building permit is required.
    A common problem as time goes by is that moisture passes from the outside of the building to the inside through micro cracks generated by earthquakes or contractions and expansions due to temperature variations. That results to corrosion of steel reinforcement by peeling off concrete pieces due to expansion of steel upon corrosion. Steel expands up to ten times in volume upon corrosion chipping off the surrounding concrete. Apart from the aesthetic side, the building begins to deteriorate.
    Our consulting office briefs the owner about the repair techniques and material available before undertaking any act repairing the exterior plaster coating.
  • It is our opinion, quality materials make the external coloring durable over time resulting in no need for frequent repainting and money savings. The cost of paint as material is a small part of the total cost. The heavy burden comes from labor needed to properly prepare the surfaces than coloring its self.
    Often for external coloring of a building scaffolding is used, requiring a "small scale" Building Permit. Our office files the necessary documentation to issue such required permit without the involvement of the owners.
    In case there is not a permit for the scaffolding and an accident occurs, compensation to the injured is not covered by any insurance. Thus, the owners have to compensate the family of the injured by their own funds.